Voter guide

A contributor funding guide for voters

Voters are responsible for selecting the most promising contributors that could generate the most impact for the ecosystem. Voters will need to read and compare a number of contributor proposals to make an informed decision about which contributor candidates they are going to vote for.

Voting process

Voters will select the contributor candidates that they believe will be the most effective at generating impact for the ecosystem.

  1. Review expressive approval voting guide - If you are not familiar with expressive approval voting you should review the guide provided.

  2. Fill in the voting form - A Google Sheet has been created that has all of the contributor candidate proposals listed in the document. Review the contributor candidate proposals and then duplicate the template Google Sheet form and fill it in with your voting decisions. Once completed, download the Google Sheet as a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx).

  3. Wait for voting results - After the submission deadline the votes will be aggregated and the voting results will then be shared publicly. Votes will remain anonymous.

Completed funding process

Voters should complete a final questionnaire when the funding round has completed.

Last updated