Contributor guide
A contributor funding guide for contributors
Last updated
A contributor funding guide for contributors
Last updated
Contributors have the goal of generating as much impact as possible for the ecosystem during their funded contribution period. Contributors should focus their efforts towards the open source initiatives that could generate the most impact for the ecosystem.
Expectations & responsibilities
Self accountability - Contributors have the autonomy to decide where, when and how they work. It is up to the contributor to use their own time effectively. Contributors could be given full autonomy to decide on what they work on or they might need to collaborate with the founding entities to come to an agreement. Contributors should consider and take into account the priority suggestions that get shared and upvoted by the community when deciding how they should best allocate their contribution efforts.
Open source contributions - Contributors can only work on open source initiatives as these solutions can then be used by the entire community.
Collaborative - Contributors are expected to collaborate with anyone in the community and identify the biggest shared problems that could be worth resolving. More collaboration with the existing teams and projects should help with reducing the amount of duplicated efforts across the ecosystem.
Contributor proposal submissions
Contributors need to submit a proposal to be considered as a contributor candidate.
Copy contributor proposal template - Fork the GitHub project locally. Copy the contributor proposal template or copy an example contributor proposal and create a file in the candidates folder.
Fill in contributor proposal - Update the proposal template with your own personal and professional information.
Submit contributor proposal - Submit your contributor proposal as a pull request with the title of "Contributor proposal - [Your full name]". Use this example proposal pull request as a reference. Share your proposal pull request with the community and the fund operator. Start date: 12:00pm 16/06/24, End date: 12:00pm 30/06/24
Review proposal feedback - Answer any questions and resolve any issues that get identified. Consider any amendments you want to make before the proposal is approved and merged. Once the proposal is merged you will be included in the contributor selection decision. Start date: 12:00pm 01/07/24, End date: 12:00pm 08/07/24
Complete proposal submission feedback questionnaire - Fill in the contributor proposal submission feedback questionnaire. Start date: 12:00pm 09/07/24, End date: 12:00pm 16/07/24
Contributor onboarding
Start date: 12:00pm 23/07/24, End date: 12:00pm 30/07/24
Contributors that were successful in the voting decision will now be onboarded.
Review priority suggestions - Review the priority suggestions that have been shared by the founding entities and community.
Share preferences - Indicate any preferences you have by commenting on the suggestions that you believe are the most important to work on and how you could help with addressing that priority.
Join internal contributor chat - Join the internal contributor chat channels to coordinate and collaborate with other contributors and the funding operator. Ask the fund operator for a link to join.
Join contribution log chat - Join the contribution log chat so you can share your monthly contribution log pull requests with the fund operator. Ask the fund operator for a link to join.
Join open contributor chat - Join the open contributor chat to coordinate and collaborate with the community.
Set initial contribution tasks - Agree on your initial contribution tasks that you will start working on by collaborating with other contributors and the fund operator.
Monthly contributions
Each month a contributor will need to complete a months worth of contribution efforts. Contribution outputs will be recorded in a contribution log and this will be checked and approved by the fund operator.
Complete contribution period - Complete a months worth of contribution effort. Contribution board tasks should be updated when a task moves along from any of the different execution stages such as from backlog to in progress to in-review to completed.
Share future contribution intentions - When you are close to finishing a contribution task you should share your next intended contribution task by moving it in the contribution board to the 'Ready' column. Share the task in the internal contributor chat so that others can check that their own contribution efforts wonβt overlap with this contribution task.
Create contribution log - At the end of each month, document your contribution outputs and efforts in a contribution log. A contribution log template is available as a guide. There is also an example contribution log to review as well as a pending pull request example. You can also review some other contribution log examples in the Web3 Association contributors documentation. Submit your contribution log as a pull request with the title of "Contribution log - [Your full name], [Month, Year]". Use this example contribution log pull request as a reference.
Request contribution attestations - Share your contribution log pull request with other contributors or community members so they can provide any attestations about any of the contribution efforts that you have made that are not as easy for others to verify.
Share contribution log - Share the contribution log pull request in the contribution log chat so the funding operator can review and approve it. Make any amendments to the contribution log that are suggested by the fund operator.
Receive contribution payment - The contribution log will then be approved if the contribution outcomes are fair and reasonable. For this experiment, if there are any concerns or issues around a contribution log it will be reviewed by the founding entities to make any final approval decision. Assuming the contribution log is approved, you will now be eligible for the next contribution payment.
Completed funding process
Once a contributors funded period is finished they should complete some final questionnaires.
Start date: 12:00pm 01/08/24, End date: 12:00pm 01/02/25
Share contributor peer review questionnaire - Ask any suitable contributors and community members to fill in a contributor peer review & feedback questionnaire. Start date: 12:00pm 20/01/25, End date: 12:00pm 02/02/25
Complete contributor experiment questionnaire - Complete the contributor experiment feedback questionnaire. Start date: 12:00pm 10/02/25, End date: 12:00pm 17/02/25